
An official transcript is a comprehensive record of a student's academic progress at Texas A&M University*. In other words, a student's official Texas A&M University transcript includes academic credit awarded to the student at all levels of study (undergraduate, graduate, and professional). Partial transcripts are not available. Transcripts contain confidential information and are released only in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Transcripts may not be redisclosed without written permission from the student.

* Students of the Law School who enrolled during the fall 2013 semester and beyond may obtain a Texas A&M University transcript containing their professional law school level academic history included. Former students of the Law School who were enrolled prior to the fall 2013 semester, while it operated under Texas Wesleyan School of Law, will need to order an official transcript from the Texas Wesleyan University's Registrar's Office.

Students of the Health Science Center (HSC) may obtain a Texas A&M University transcript containing their HSC academic history included. As of July 15, 2013, the Texas A&M Health Science Center was officially added as an academic unit under the administration of Texas A&M University.

Information Included on an Official Texas A&M Transcript:

Official Texas A&M Transcript Informational Items
Student identifying information – name, SSN (last four digits), date of birth
Semester-by-semester listing of all courses attempted at Texas A&M University (College Station, Galveston branch, and Qatar branch campuses), with credit hours, grades, and grade points earned for each
Undergraduate transfer credit hour totals by school (no individual courses are listed)
Hours for which the student earned credit by exam
Graduate level transfer hours, and grades by school if transferred courses are being used on the graduate degree plan
Semester totals of hours completed, grade points earned, and grade point average
Cumulative totals of hours completed, grade points earned, and grade point average for the student's undergraduate and/or professional careers
Degrees awarded by Texas A&M University, with major and minor fields of study
Official University seal and signature of the Registrar

To better understand information on a Texas A&M University transcript, please use the Transcript Key. This is a copy of what is printed on the back of current Texas A&M University transcripts.