Change management newsletter template

Here are 6 of the most useful change management plan templates in 2024 – plus a bonus ebook download to help craft your enterprise change strategy.

Download and use these templates for your own organizational change initiatives – let’s get started.

1. Change Proposal Template


Change Proposal Template | Download Template

Before making the plans needed to roll out a change, make sure you understand why the change is needed. The motive behind or the reason for the change will influence every step of your planning process.

Getting started with a change proposal template, regardless of whether or not the change has already been approved, will force you to really dig into the ‘why’ behind the change. Once you’ve completed this template, you’ll be ready to justify the change and help others understand it as well.

This change management plan example also includes a section for potential benefits and potential negatives. Use this section to show your thought process behind the change. Share your own concerns while still rationalizing the need for the change by showing the benefits. Of course, no change can be 100% positive, but this section shows that you have considered the pros and cons and still believe the change is necessary.

Once you know why the change needs to happen, it’s time to designate change leaders who will help support the change.

This change proposal template includes: