Decoding Multisyllable Words Worksheets

If spot a word that possesses more than a single syllable it is usually difficult to sound out or spell, unless you are familiar with the word or the inherent parts contained in the word. Breaking down the word into pieces can make it much easier to recognize and decipher. Start with the vowel portion of the word and sound out the rest of the word from there. Strong readers have the ability to confront multisyllabic words and break them down phonetically to sound them out. It is often the more difficult words that trouble readers into thinking their skills are weaker than they truly are. These worksheets will give students a step and reasoning system to decode these words.

Decoding Multisyllables Worksheets:

Sawing Up Syllables! - Find the letter patterns in the words and label them. If there is a vowel‐consonant‐consonant‐vowel letter pattern in a word, it is usually divided between the two consonants. Divide each word into syllables. Then write V‐C‐C‐V over each word. The first one has been done for you.

First Syllable Sounds - Just write out the syllables for the words.

Syllable Sort - Write the words below in syllables. Circle the first syllable of the word if it has a long vowel sound. The story here is long and short vowel sounds.

Dividing Words into Syllables - Do a little digging here and it is pretty easy. Divide each word into two parts. Write the first syllable in the first box and the second syllable in the second box.

Consonant-Vowel Patterns - Split up the words and use them on the lines. Use the vowel‐consonant‐consonant‐vowel pattern to divide and write the words below in syllables.

How Many Syllables? - Complete each sentence with a word from the Word Bank. The word must have the same number of syllables as the number in parentheses.

Can You Find the Syllables? - Draw a box around the first syllable in each word. Follow the example.

Can You Do A Split? - Divide each word into syllables. Write each syllable in the correct box.

Long or Short Sheep - On the first line, write each set of syllables together as a word. On the second line, write whether the vowel sound in the first syllable is long or short.

Slice! - Fill in the chart by slicing the words. Divide each word into syllables.

Feed the Fish! - Use the vowel-consonant-consonant-vowel pattern to divide the words. Follow the example.

Vowels and Consonants on the Farm - Write the vowel-consonant-consonant-vowel pattern into the two columns, to show where the word should be divided.

Board Games - Read each word. Draw a line down the middle of each box to separate the word into two syllables. Color the first box red. Color the second box blue.

Spelling Two-syllable Words - Spell the two-syllable words pictured below. Divide the word by drawing a line between the syllables. Mark the vowel sound heard in the first syllable.

What does a dragon dream about? - Read each word. Does the first syllable have a long vowel sound or a short vowel sound?

How to Breakdown Multisyllabic Words?

Multisyllabic words are words with more than one syllable or vowel. They have little complex spellings than that of three syllabi or four syllabi words.

For instance:

Cap, map, sit, hat, run, boss, hop, man, etc. are words we use to read when we were young and the spellings have now changed to cattle, water, basic, plastic, logic, mango, etc.

How to Breakdown Multisyllabic Words?

You should first divide a multisyllabic word finding the vowel and consonant in it and making a sound of two to three letters.

Look keenly at the words coming between the vowels and deciding which sound should be used to pronounce.

. Logic: lo-gic
. Bottle: bot/tle
. Water: wa/ter
. Hotel: Ho/tel
. Direct: di/rect
. Order: or/der

Through Prefixes and Suffixes

Prefixes are the syllabi used at the beginning of a word to provide a different meaning.

These are few prefixes that combine with a word to make it another word like

. Re + call = recall
. Dis + like = dislike
. Un + usual = unusual
. In + decent = indecent

Similarly, suffixes are the syllabi added after another word usually after a verb or noun making it an adjective.

These are joined after some words to give a new meaning like:

. Prove + able = provable
. Beauty + ful = beautiful
. Talk + ing = talking
. Speech + less = speechless

Now you can break the multisyllabic words of suffixes and prefixes.

. Misleading: mis/lead/ing
. Imbalance: im/bal/ance
. Remarkable: re/mark/able
. Truthfulness: truth/ful/ness
. Coverage: cov/er/age
. Bottom-line: bot/tom/line

If you are done with splitting affixes, you can easily spell and breakdown the complex multisyllabic words:

. Helicopter: he/li/cop/ter
. Grasshopper: grass/hop/per
. Thermometer: ther/mo/me/ter
. Photographer: pho/to/gra/pher
. Misunderstanding: mis/un/der/stand/ing
. Congratulations: con/gra/tu/la/tions
. Marshmallow: marsh/mal/low
. Tomorrow: tom/or/row
. October: oc/to/ber
. Curriculum: cir/ri/cu/lum
. Liveliness: live/li/ness

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