Alabama Senate unanimously approves bill to establish an independent tax tribunal

Bruce P. Ely James E. Long, Jr. J. Sims Rhyne III Christopher R. Grissom William T. Thistle, II

Last night, the Alabama Senate passed by a vote of 26-0 Substitute House Bill 105, formerly known as the Alabama Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights II (TBOR II) and recently renamed the “Alabama Taxpayer Fairness Act,” which establishes an independent tax tribunal and enhances certain other procedural protections for Alabama taxpayers. The Taxpayer Fairness Act now awaits concurrence in the House before it can be sent to Governor Robert Bentley for his signature. If signed into law, the bill will take effect October 1.

Significantly, Substitute House Bill 105 establishes the Alabama Tax Tribunal (ATT) by abolishing the current Administrative Law Division (ALD) of the Alabama Department of Revenue (ADOR) and transferring both the personnel and equipment to a newly formed, independent state agency under the executive branch. The purpose of the ATT is to:

Increase public confidence in the fairness of the state tax system, [by providing] an independent agency with tax expertise to resolve disputes between the [ADOR] and taxpayers, prior to requiring the payment of the amounts in issue or the posting of a bond, but after the taxpayer has had a full opportunity to attempt settlement with the [ADOR] based, among other things, on the hazards of litigation.

As mentioned below, perhaps of equal importance will be the ability of taxpayers to, for the first time, appeal most assessments issued by localities or their contract auditing firms to the new ATT.

The annual appropriation earmarked for the ALD is carved out and assigned to the ATT, so there is no additional cost to Alabama taxpayers for creating the tribunal. There are four important features of the ATT:

  1. ATT judges are appointed by the Governor for six-year terms. There must be at least one ATT judge, but no more than three in total. In addition, the Governor may appoint pro tem judges if necessary. Unlike previous versions of the bill, there is no Senate confirmation or nominating committee involved in the appointment of ATT judges.
  2. Taxpayers may appeal final assessments of sales, use, rental, and lodgings taxes issued by or on behalf of self-administered cities and counties to the ATT, unless the governing body of the self-administered city or county opts out.
  3. No filing fees will be imposed on taxpayers for appeals to the ATT.
  4. At the end of each six-year term, the Governor may reappoint a judge to serve another term or appoint a new judge. The initial judge will be ADOR Chief Administrative Law Judge Bill Thompson.

Allowing taxpayers to appeal final assessments issued by self-administered cities and counties or their contract auditing firms is a major step toward addressing the frustration of the business community and tax practitioners with differing interpretations of the law and varied appeals procedures offered by the many self-administered localities and their private auditing firms. This provision is designed to work hand-in-hand with the new Optional Network Election for Single Point Online Transactions (ONE SPOT) e-filing program for local sales, use, and rental taxes.

Substitute House Bill 105 also includes several important updates and changes to the existing procedural protections contained in the Alabama Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights of 1992. Those changes include:

If the bill becomes law, self-administered cities and counties will be afforded a narrow window of time to enter a preliminary assessment against a taxpayer who was audited by the ADOR and found to owe additional sales, use, rental, or lodgings tax. These localities will have either six months from the date the ADOR enters a final assessment against the taxpayer or 60 days from the date of mailing (or email transmission of) a copy of the final assessment by the ADOR to the self-administered locality (whichever expires first) to enter a preliminary assessment against the taxpayer.

Importantly, the assessment is limited to the same disputed adjustments and tax periods. The taxpayer is encouraged to approach the locality and negotiate a voluntary compliance agreement. The bill also clarifies that self-administered cities and counties or their contract auditing firms have the ability to enter into installment agreements with taxpayers, similar to the powers of the Alabama Commissioner of Revenue.